Nanny State: Cock-fights and culture clashes

21 March 2007

Cock-fights and culture clashes

By Christopher Caldwell
Mar 16 2007

When New Mexico's governor Bill Richardson, a plausible candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, decided to ban cock-fighting this week, the press treated his decision as a "no-brainer". Although cock-fighting has deep roots in the historically Hispanic state, it is already illegal in a third of New Mexico's counties, not to mention all other US states except Louisiana. US federal law forbids transporting fighting birds across state lines. Two-thirds of New Mexicans favour a ban.

Yet Mr Richardson – a politician of refreshing forthrightness on such controversial issues as legalising marijuana for medical use (which he favours) – anguished over cock-fighting until recently. He has been lampooned, by comedians and columnists alike, for opining there are "strong arguments on both sides".


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