Nanny State: New York Nurses Suing State Over Forced Vaccinations

13 October 2009

New York Nurses Suing State Over Forced Vaccinations

They say more staff have become ill from vaccines than from the actual flu

Steve Watson
Tuesday, Oct 13, 2009

A group of nurses is suing the State of New York over mandatory H1N1 vaccinations, claiming that the threat of being fired for refusing is a violation of their civil rights.

The nurses, based at Albany Medical Center, say they have been told they will face a week of suspension without pay, followed by termination if they don’t get both the H1N1 and the seasonal flu vaccines by the end of October.

The New York mandate requires all health care workers to receive the vaccinations before the end of November.

The nurses say that they do not believe the vaccines are as effective as maintaining a good level of hygiene in preventing the flu.

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